Among Us Dev Details How The Friends List Update Will Work

Among Us, developer Innersloth has detailed how the upcoming Friends List feature will work in the game’s new blog post (Thanks, Nintendo All).

While friend lists are often a common sight in online gaming, Among Us – until now – hasn’t given players an easy way to keep in touch with friends in the game. Considering the title is constantly growing in popularity (even getting its own manga adaptation), it’s only natural that such a feature would be added at some point.

The good news is that the friend’s list feature will be fairly self-explanatory, including the following elements:

  • Unique friend code
  • Ability to send and receive friend requests
  • Invite friends to your own lobby
  • See who you’ve played with recently
  • Ability to block players

Sounds comfortably reliable, doesn’t it? In addition, Innersloth warned that once the new update is launched, the developers will temporarily disable the ability to link existing accounts together, but don’t worry, this will be fixed later.

After the launch of the upcoming update, the team plans to take a short break from adding new content to the game in favor of fixing annoying bugs that have come up over time. As such, further quality of life changes will be implemented in a separate future update.

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