Betrayal at House on the Hill third edition revealed with 50 new haunts

Betrayal at the house on the hill, a camping horror board game set in a haunted mansion, has long been a go-to game for introducing new players to modern board games. But the original isn’t without flaws, including drooping miniatures, thin cardboard pieces, and a subset of rules that don’t quite work. While the second edition ironed out many of those issues, the newly formed Hasbro’s Avalon Hill team doubled the franchise’s popularity with an all-new edition. Betrayal at the House on the Hill 3rd Edition will be released later this year, just in time for the annual Gen Con board game convention in the US. Polygon has the first details about the game, including two new trailers.

Betrayal was first released in 2004 and then revised with a second edition in 2010. In it, players explore multiple floors of a haunted mansion, constructing a floor plan from randomly selected tiles as they go. Mystery lurks in every corner represented by the Omen cards that slowly build up the tension in the game. Players collect items and continue their exploration until the final phase, called the Ghost, starts. That’s when co-op becomes competitive, with one player, dubbed the Traitor, working to kill the others before time runs out. The game received an expansion in 2016, a Dungeons & Dragons-themed edition in 2017, and a legacy-style campaign version designed by Rob Davio in 2018.

According to Chris Nadeau, Senior Director and Head of Product Development at Avalon Hill, this new edition features 50 brand new locations, including sequels to old favorites. All of them have been designed to work more smoothly at the table and are grouped into five different themed segments. This will help streamline the experience and give it a more thematic tone.


The goal, according to Nadeau, is to treat Betrayal more like a gaming system than a one-off boxed product. He said that fans should expect many different additions in the future. This is the same model used for the recent reboot Hero Questwhich includes several additions and promises even more.

“Making sure they have a limitless appetite for new ghosts,” Nadeau said, “Being able to bring more history to where these ghosts go and giving players the option to go beyond the core game was all we looked forward to.”

Need to tell Polygon that BetrayalThe third edition will include redesigned sliders and character cards, which should improve usability and improve future reliability. It will also include heroic scale miniatures – i.e., characters with larger facial features, arms, and items in their hands – perfect for players who want to color them in. They also won’t be as flexible as previous versions. He said that this time his team chose the same style of harder plastic that was used in the recent HeroQuest. The game will also include new rules for the Unwilling Traitor, which will allow new players to bypass the more difficult areas of the game and gracefully hand over the reins to more experienced players if they so desire.

“It can be a very difficult experience for someone who first sits down at a gaming table with their friends on a Friday night, and suddenly you make them look like traitors, and they are isolated from the rest of the group. Nadeau said. “We want […] gently give them the opportunity to drop this scenario, but the other half of the game into the hands of one of the veterans at the table in a fair way that won’t embarrass that person or make them feel any feelings. less for being new to the table.”

Like Hero Quest as well as Shadow forces of risknew game in the style of heritage, which will be released this year, It must be said that this is the third edition Betrayal at the house on the hill Designed to uphold Avalon Hill’sHill’s credibility in hobby gaming and give today’ tabletop gamers more of the variety of themed experiences they’re looking for.

“From a lot of our data, we know that I think gamers are starting to get tired of collecting straw, wood, and stone,” Nadeau said. “They want a little more reason to exist. They want a little more content in their gameplay, and so we want to be able to provide that. We want to be able to pass on that part to every game we make.”

Betrayal at the house on the hill will sell for $55.99. It will premiere on April 1st in Europe and be released to the rest of the world on August 1st. Fans can pre-order the game. directly from the Hasbro Pulse website starting March well as in Entertainment Earth and Big bad toy store.



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