How to craft the Valheim Fenris armor set

Armor set in Walheim. The Valheim Fenris armor set can make your Viking move faster, resist fire, and deal more damage with unarmed attacks. These are three good reasons to collect the resources needed to create it, but there are other important reasons: it looks very cool and is not like any other. Don’t you want your character to have icy blue eyes glowing under a dark hood? Yes, I think so.

The Valheim Fenris set arrived thanks to a frosty cave update that added procedural dungeons in the mountain biome. Finding a cave requires a lot of exploration on the icy slopes, but it’s worth it. The ice caves have new enemies and new resources to collect to complete the Fenris set.

Vilhelm Fenris Armor Set: How to Craft it.

Here is what you need to craft all three pieces of the Fenris armor set:

Fenris Leggings: Fenris Hair x20, Wolf Hide x5, Leather Scraps x10

Fenris Coat: Fenris Hair x20, Wolf Hide x5, Leather Scraps x10

Hood of Fenris: Fenris Hair x20, Wolf Skin x2, Cultist’s Trophy x1

With these resources, you will need to use Forge, which has been upgraded to level 2.

Fenris hair can be found in frosty caves in the mountain biome, both as a drop when killing an ulv enemy and found around caves on altars or in random chambers. Wolf skins were abandoned by wolves in the mountains. Skin scraps can drop from boars in the Meadows and from bats in frosty caves. That sectarian trophy was occasionally dropped by defeated cult enemies in ice caves.

Vilhelm Fenris Pack: Effects and Bonuses

You can wear these three pieces of armor individually, but wearing all three together grants the Blessing of Fenris bonus. Here are the stats for the three pieces of Fenris armor and the blessing bonus from wearing the full set.

Fenris Leggings:

Weight: 10

Durability: 1000

Armor: 10

Movement Speed: +3%

Fenris Coat:

Weight: 10

Durability: 1000

Armor: 10

Damage Modifier: Frost Resistance

Movement Speed: +3%

Hood of Fenris:

Weight: 1

Durability: 1000

Armor: 10

Movement Speed: +3%

Fenris Set Effect: Blessing of Fenris

Damage modifier: fire resistance, +15 melee skill (up to a maximum of 100)

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