Leslie Jones on her badass Our Flag Means Death role: ‘I’ll do this for free!’

Pirate comedy from HBO Max. The story is based on a genuine partnership between Blackbeard (Thor: Ragnarok directed by Taika Waititi), a “d “gentleman pirate “te” Steed Bonnet (Rhys Darby), but N tshow’sw’s aesthetic draws heavily on the incredible pop-culture idea of ​​pirates, full of great adventures, grotesque violence, and dashing style. And a crucial part of his reversal from the small scale What are we doing in the shadowshumor about inept, smug sailors in a bigger, broader story comes when Saturday nightlife Veteran Leslie Jones appears as Spaniard Jackie, the undisputed queen of the Republic of Pirates. Our flag means death starts slowly and accelerates quickly.

Jones tells Polygon that this image of the pirates was a big part of the attraction in accepting the role”. “My agent sent it over, and sai’They’re’resai’They’re interested in you playing this pirate,”‘” she says.” “I thought, ‘Oh, I on the!’ As soon as they say “d “pir “te,” I thought”: “Are you kidding? Can I wear pirate boots? Yes, exactly.’ They told m”: “The Spaniard Jackie has a wooden arm and about 20 husbands “sI’mI’m like,” “Register mI’ll’llmI’ll do it for fr “e!”

And, of course, she got those pirate boots she signed up fo”: “I have good Rick James boo “s,” she giggles.” “Those who climb k “ee.”

The Spanish Jackie, who first appears in episode 3 and memorably reappears as tseason’sn’s storylines merge, is a ruthless bar owner with a long-standing grudge against one of Stead’sd’s sailors. Fred Armisen plays Geraldo, her head bartender and one of her many hapless husbands. As several sailors from the main cast re-entJackie’se’s life and her bar, she gets a grand entrance, complete with her sinister theme song and a slow, dramatic approach to the table she hides behind in the dark. Later, Stede is introduced to a jar of severed noses she keeps on the bar, an indication of how many enemies she has killed”.

“I have to be tough in every w “y,” says Jone.” “I always wanted to play a girl who is cool as a dude. I have to smoke cigars to bully guys. People should be afraid of me. I love it. I always wanted to play such a woman. A dashing woman on the bad side? A thief who does business and men are afraid of her, and cheese’s still charming enough to have 20 husbands? And should she look good too? I love it! I like these are not some dirty piratShe’ses like”, “Oh, no, no. Can you all look good? I can do that too. Where do you go and get is your velvet? I go and get mines do you can”?'”

Jones has performed in the stand-up genre since the 1980s, but she has also ventured into the entertainment industry. She has appeared in films such as train wreck and Arrival 2 America and starred in PaFeig’sg’s 2016 film about Ghostbusters. She hosts the ABC game show. Supermarket stripping recently released a new Netflix comedy to celebrate her 50th birthday. In 2014, she became the oldest performer hired by Saturday nightlife, dropped out, and stayed on the show for five years. She has built a whole fandom around her Twitter persona and live performances. Twitter and Instagram reactions to movies and sporting events, including Olympic Games. But she sait’st’s still rare for her to land roles like Jackie the Spaniard, wheshe’se’s asked to play a character instead of a version of herself”.

“This pirate story was different for me because they were asking me to a “t,” she says.” “I like to do things that make me come out of what people expect at st that’s Miami’s looking for such project “s.”

Jackie Jones worked on the opening sequence with Nacho Vigalondo, director of Time crimekaiju movie Colossaland the Blumhouse movie Puk”! “I loved h” m,” she says.” “He was such a good director. What I loved about him and [creator and showrunner] David Jenkins – they came up to me and said”, “We love Leslie Jonewe’re’reJonewe’re so glad Leslie Jones is the “e.” But we need Spanish Jackie when those cameras come on. AI’mI’m like”, “Yes, I like “t!” Because most of the time, people say”, “Oh, just throw in some Leslie Jon” s!” AI’mI’m like,” “No, I want to play this character “r.” Becauthat’st’s what will expand my portfolio “o.”

However, Jones says there was room for improvisation on se”. “Ycan’tn’tYcan’tn’t have me and Fred Armisen onset and not improvise. Simply no, No doing it. […] It was so easy to walk back and forth with Fred because he understood what I was doing, and I understood what he was doing; it was crazy. And then other actors, I had so many indications when I was like”, “Oh shithat’st’s – oh, didn’t know that – Gothamist’s how you are – wothat’st’s good stu “f!”

Some of what she learned Our flag means death the set, she said, was just about acting out action scenes – how to fake a knife punch in the othactor’sr’s face to make it look good on camera, how to realistically lunge and fall”. “The stunt dude who taught us our moves was fucking sensational. Steve was off the chain. There were times when I thought”, “How is he going to make this re “l?” And he said”, “Just fall over he “e.” He will make every move first. He made me look like I could fig “t.”

But some of the best suggestions she received from Vigalondo involved awakening the power with minimal movement and action”. “The note I loved the most was, ‘I don’tn’tdon’tn’t have to bend over to be heard.’ You stay put. They lean in so you can hearth” m,” she says.” “Ydon’tn’tYdon’tn’t have to ask for something – you look at them, and they give it to you because you are Spaniard Jackie. You have won wars. You have been in battle. Ydon’tn’tYdon’tn’t have to report to anyone. Commanders are afraid of yoI’mI’m like”, “Dope” g.” He tells me this, and my back straightens all the time. I love “t.”

Not that Leslie Jones had any trouble portraying confidence and power. She has persevered and kept her composure during several high-profile public battles over the past few years, especially after the incident with Feig. Ghostbusterswhich turned her into a target for racist and sexist trolls. The harassment campaign that temporarily kicked her off Twitter looked terrible on the site, which updated its policies and shut down. Ban alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos for his role in the campaign against her. The attackers hacked her website to dox her and post-inflammatory photos in retaliation. Online war boosted her profile, attracted her broad support, and kept her in the spotlight for annoying reasons that do not relate to her comedy or career.


When asked if such public battles influenced her career choice or the roles she takes, she laughs”.

“Let me tell you something about “e,” Jones tells Polygon.” “I am 54 years old. The battles I have in this business are not shit compared to what I came out of. To get to where I am now, I fought battles that made those battles look like bitches. […] I’ve’veI’ve seen things, done things,, and been to different places. This new battldon’tn’tbattldon’tn’t so much shape me as they tell me what to do. doesn’tn’tdoesn’tn’t scare me because I know who I am. I know who I am. I know what I can give”.

“And I knI’mI’m not perfect, but I knI’mI’m shit. Ycan’tn’tYcan’tn’t tell me better than what the Hemi’s saying in my head. I do not believe you believe me. So people can throw whatever the hell they want at me. I love it. I am a comedian. Do you know how badly they talked about me? When people say something about me, I sa”: “It was not even very go “d.” I want to answer them, for example”: “You know that you could say it would be Indeed fun'”?'”

What drives her choice of roles is any chance she sees to stretch out and wow people”. “I like to do things that are not expected of me. I like being vulnerable; whit’st’s not expected. Everyone has “s “Leslie Jo “es” and think,” “Oshe’se’s fun “y.” YeI’mI’s funny becauI’mI’m a comedian. But I can also do dramatic. I want to be a serial killer character. I want to do everythin’ I’m not just one base. But first, you need to show people. This is how I choose projects. I sa”, “Okay, I did Arrival 2 American did SNL-kind of thing. Now let me do something el “e.”

However, there are limits to whshe’se’s willing to go to, even playing the brutal, swashbuckling pirate who bullies and intimidates show’s w’s sta”. don’tn’tdon’tn’t know anything about traveling by sh “p,” she says.” “But you know, baby steps.

Ashe’se’s not angry that sdidn’tn’tsdidn’tn’t buy a parrot to complete her pirate loo”. don’tn’tdon’tn’t want that damned pirate parr “t,” she says.” “I thought, ‘Can I get, like, a little buddy or something?’ Bdon’tn’tBdon’tn’t be scared. No. BecauI’mI’s one of those people who knows about birds. Birds e “il.”

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