Some of Lost Ark’s Tier 1 and Tier 2 endgame content will be getting a bit easier in an upcoming update as Amazon and developer Smilegate RPG talked about various balance changes and fixes coming to the free-to-play MMORPG.
A total of six early Guardian raids and four Abyss dungeons will see their difficulty lowered to make them easier. States of the Amazon The change is based on data and feedback that indicated that some of this content created difficulty for new players and resulted in low success rates.
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“We understand that people can practice and improve with the game over time, but for early game content, in particular, we want new players to enjoy learning and progressing, not get frustrated and give up,” writes Amazon. More details on exactly what will change will be provided in the patch notes for the update. While early endgame content is being nerfed, Amazon says level 3 and above content will still be challenging and doesn’t want to “drastically change that core experience.”
Amazon also outlined a number of issues currently affecting Lost Ark and steps being taken to fix them. Bots and gold trading accounts are a particularly annoying problem, and Amazon says it’s making improvements to the game’s anti-cheat and spam protection tools to address this issue. Additional measures have also been taken, such as limiting in-game chat for characters above level 30, which should limit the ability of gold sellers to quickly create new accounts and continue spamming. Amazon encourages players to report spammers and suspicious bot accounts using the in-game report feature.
Other issues such as missing items in the store and matchmaking issues are currently being addressed, but don’t expect server latency to improve in the Central Europe server region. As Amazon has previously stated, adding additional servers to a region is currently not possible, as is the ability to move characters to a different, less loaded server. As a result, Amazon is looking to improve server stability to “provide players with the best possible gaming experience.”
In terms of server maintenance and downtime, Amazon is making it clear that maintenance may be happening more frequently than usual in the “near future” as the team strives to fix issues as quickly as possible. Looking ahead, maintenance will become more predictable and will take place at a time that doesn’t “cut off the best game hours.”Lost Ark will receive a significant content update in March as Smilegate RPG and Amazon look to bring more content from the Korean version to the West. While the March update won’t include any new classes, there are a number of classes that may be coming to Lost Ark in the future.