New Destiny 2 Gun Sound Made With Beef Mac And Cheese
The new Destiny 2 Parasite Grenade Launcher has fun and unexpected backstory. In particular, its sound design was done using the sounds of beef mac and cheese being made. Yes indeed. Lead sound engineer Evan Buhler revealed this unexpected detail during an interview attended by GamesRadar. “I know that if you’ve ever cooked fresh pasta, especially beef mac and cheese, and mixed it up a bit, some of those sounds were used to create it,” Buhler said. “It may not be that great or weird, but it’s something you could experience or understand in your own home.”
This isn’t the first story about outlandish video game sound recording techniques. For Halo Infinite, developers at Microsoft recorded the snorting and rustling of a pug for alien enemies.
In other Destiny 2 news, Bungie clarified that anyone who tries to play the game on the Steam Deck will be banned.
To learn more, check out GameSpot’s unfinished review of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. “A centerpiece is a commendable story campaign that makes many of the game’s best designs more accessible to a wide variety of characters, but The Witch Queen also draws on the best of Destiny’s past, such as the secret-filled, dense, and captivating locations from The Taken King and Forsaken expansions.” said reviewer Phil Hornshaw. The Witch Queen is a huge step forward for the game, the culmination of a recent history of great improvements and additions that have brought Destiny 2 to its best form.”
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