New World Heart Of Madness Update Will Add Blunderbuss And New Endgame Content

Following the February New World update, which is all about bug fixes and balance updates, Amazon’s March Heart of Madness update will bring significant new content to Amazon’s MMORPG in the form of a new Endgame Expedition as well as a new weapon, the Blunderbuss.
The Expedition, as the New World versions of the dungeons are called, will take players to the Heart of Broken Mountain to confront the game’s main villain up to this point, the corrupt leader Isabella, also known as The Tempest. Along the way, players will discover “the secrets of her past” as they explore her corrupted mind. Tempest’s Heart will be an end-game expedition for five players, requiring level 60 and a recommended amount of gear of 550 or higher.
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The Heart of Madness update will also add another ranged weapon to the New World arsenal – the blunderbuss. Billed as a medium-range weapon, the blunderbuss will scale in strength and intelligence, making it suitable for both hardy fighters and mages who want a little extra warmth. He will have two different skill trees: Deterrence and Chaos. Deterrence will revolve around agility and getting close to deal point-blank damage, while the Chaos tree focuses more on keeping a safe distance and dealing high area damage.

Both the Blunderbuss Expedition and Tempest’s Heart will soon be available on the public PTR New World, along with other weapon balance changes, bug fixes, and more.

The number of players in New World has steadily declined from hundreds of thousands of concurrent players at launch to a peak of around 30,000 in recent weeks. Amazon recently stated that it needs to give players more time on the game’s PTR to test future updates. Amazon also emphasized that while this may not always happen as quickly as fans would like, the development team is listening to player concerns, and the team is considering removing or changing some of the game’s systems that create friction for players. . Meanwhile, Amazon’s other MMO, the free-to-play Lost Ark, continues to be one of the most popular games on Steam, with more than 1.3 million concurrent players playing it shortly after launch.

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