Square Enix Details Current Issues & Future Of New Switch Racer Chocobo GP


Cute racer in Final Fantasy style Chocobo GP came out on Nintendo Switch last week, and while it’s pretty sweet, fans have raised concerns about the game’s reward pass acting like a season pass.

It’s not your traditional kart racer in that sense where you can unlock everything with relative ease, and it’s gotten to the point where the team released a lengthy response explaining what players can expect from Chocobo GP in the future as well as some of the action that has already been undertaken.

The game’s producer Hironori Okayama also mentioned how the team considers player feedback:

“We also received a lot of feedback on how to provide additional DLC. We take this seriously and will continue to do our best to provide upgrades that will satisfy everyone who buys.”

現在 起こっ て いる アップデート アップデート チョコ ボグランプリ 今後 の アップデート せ せ せ せ 」を 知ら せ せ せ せ 開 開 いただき 取り急ぎ 取り急ぎ いただき.

引き続き、皆様からのご意見ご要望もお待ちしております。 pic.twitter.com/c9lfCdrbvg— チョコボGP公式 (@Chocobo_GP) March 11, 2022

Reddit user Sat-AM shared a very crude Google translation of this latest update. Here is the breakdown:

one. They know and are working to fix online problems.

2. They’ve sent out 500 Mithril and lowered the XP requirements for the pass as an apology to players, meaning that the reduced XP requirements may not be in line with how they’ll handle future receipts. If you had enough experience to advance to a higher level, you automatically leveled up.

3. Major updates and changes will occur along with seasonal changes, so there will most likely be no adjustments for the first season in the future.

4. There will be two new characters in future seasons (1 on the pass and one on the Gil).

five. “Items added to Gil’s shop will be added every time a season repeats” – sounds like they’ll be keeping characters bought by Gil in Gil’s shop for future seasons, but that could also mean they’re planning to end up repeating the seasons eventually.

6. Characters on the pass may be available for direct purchase with Mithril or Gil once the key has been launched.

7. New courses will be released to players in both full and lite versions in Season 2.

8. More mithril shop items (costumes and background music) will appear in the middle of the season.

Nine. Currently, Mithril can only be obtained as a login reward, but starting from Season 2, it will also be a pass reward.

10. Season 2 will see balance changes, including characters and base mechanics. However, they don’t touch anything until then unless it’s broken enough to need immediate repair.

Eleven. When planning future updates, they take player feedback on DLC/microtransactions into account.

12. They seem to be primarily concerned with the average player reaching level 100 (out of 200) within a two-month pass.

13. The current experience gain is balanced so that players with a 1:1 win/loss ratio in GP Mode will gain approximately 1 level for each launch of GP Mode with stickers provided by the pass. The line after that (“So our new main policy is to create an environment where it’s easy to get additional characters just by buying a version of the product”) implies that they find it appropriate and maybe keep the current version—the speed of gaining experience for the pass.

Fourteen. More cosmetic/BGM items will be coming to the Mythril Store and Pass as high-level rewards.

15. The changes being made to the Lite version are to “make it easier for video distributors to run events,” so this may indicate that they may allow Lite players to access the list of organizers, as “events” likely refers to tournaments. However, it could also enable non-GP online play or something entirely different.

We’ll be sure to let you know if Square Enix ever shares more information in English. You can read more about the season pass of the game in our previous article:

What do you think about Chocobo GP at the moment? Do you hope the experience will improve in the future? Leave a comment below.

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