Using Genetic Testing to Conceive After a Miscarriage

A miscarriage affects the family. After a difficult, deep and slow healing miscarriage, there are physical and emotional effects. Fortunately, genetic consultation can offer help and support during this journey. Even if this is a common occurrence, it is difficult to talk about miscarriage or miscarriage. A miscarriage carries with it frequent misconceptions that can cause a lot of stress. Feelings of anger, guilt, disbelief, numbness, sadness and depression are common after a miscarriage. Thoughts like “What could I have done differently?” general. Grieving for this loss is an important step in the healing process.

What options are available after a miscarriage?

If you have experienced one or more miscarriages or pregnancy losses, there are many options if you still want to start a family.


Although not a new method, it is the least talked about. Surrogacy is a simple process in which a child is carried until birth by someone other than the parent or parents. This is often backed up by a legal agreement, many of which include compensation agreements and security protocols. In the process of in vitro fertilization, the embryo is prepared in a laboratory, usually using the parents’ own embryos. DNA and sometimes a donor egg.

Then the embryo is implanted in a surrogate mother, after which the child is carried to term and born. The surrogate mother is not genetically related to the child and they usually receive some compensation agreed upon in the initial stages.


This is one of the most common alternatives to traditional family growth. As a rule, an adopted child is not genetically related to those who adopted him. Children can be adopted at any age, from infant to teenager. Adoptive parents can choose between open or closed adoption.

Genetic testing

Genetic testing provides answers to families who have problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy. Although chromosomal abnormalities are often the cause of many miscarriages, parents are not always aware that genetic testing is available. The new technology allows genetic testing to be carried out much faster, even in a few hours.

What will genetic testing tell me?

  • If there are extra or missing chromosomes. This is called aneuploidy.
  • Where did chromosomes originate? If a pair of chromosomes came from the same parent, it is called uniparental disomy.
  • Missing or extra parts of chromosomes. They are called deletions or duplicates.
  • Differences that are difficult to detect are associated with genetic disorders.

When a miscarriage occurs, families experience many different emotions and physical setbacks. Genetic testing is a great tool to help provide answers to those struggling with miscarriage and miscarriage.

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