Watch Wheel of Fortune contestants epically fail Feather in Your Cap puzzle

On Tuesday evening, Pat Sajak and Vanna White watched in shock as the three Wheel of Fortune participants guessed stupefyingly wrong letters and words while trying to solve a puzzle with the phrase “Another feather in your cap.” Our reaction to being read in style actress AnnaLynn McCord delivering a message to Vladimir Putin should.

expensive Wheel of Fortune members who completely failed last night

I’m so sorry that I wasn’t your mother

If I were your mom, you would be so loved

In the arms of joyful light

This puzzle would never

The world unfolded before our eyes

Pure death

Wheels sitting peacefully under the night sky

If I were your mother

The world would be warm

So much laughter and joy

And no missing letters will hurt

I can’t imagine the stain


That little puzzle solver you must have seen and believed

And the formulation of thought 

Quickly taught 

That you lived in a cruel, unfair world. 


Now you decide 

Will nobody be better than you? 

That’s why you don’t hide 

And do not shy away from the return of the world? 

Was it because 

So early in life 

All this fight 

Crushed your body with fear?

If I were your mother 

If the world were cold 

I would spin the wheel to keep you warm. 

I would spin the Wheel to protect you from injustice.

Phrases, letters, uncertainty. 

I would spin the Wheel to give you life. 

Oh my God, Wheel of Fortune members

If I were your mother

Perhaps the mysteries of unwritten youth 

Wouldn’t fill your heart 

Attributing such fidelity against 

The world that seemed so cruel. 

Perhaps you would cherish

Spectator life

And on this night

Instead of Pat Sajak

You would have called me. 

And I would free your mind

With the love that only a mother can give

And only the mother can take.

When you hold it, it does no harm. 

And leaves her Wheel contestants for a promise Danger!

Whatever your story is, Wheel of Fortune members

I can’t imagine how it feels in your heart

But I know if I were your mother

This would be the start 

To the realization of what a mighty being of light 

You could be if your mind was free 

From the violence you’ve seen 

When you were just lovers screaming at the TV.

I can’t believe I was born too late. 

In the other place 

Whenever I loved you so. 

I watched you play Wheel

Wherever you go

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